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Hay // Website: http://www.dolem.com/lytebox // Date: October 2, 2007 // License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/) // Browsers: Tested successfully on WinXP with the following browsers (using no DOCTYPE and Strict/Transitional/Loose DOCTYPES): // * Firefox:, // * Internet Explorer: 7.0, 6.0 SP2, 5.5 SP2 // * Opera: 9.23 // // Releases: For up-to-date and complete release information, visit http://www.dolem.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=62 // * v3.22 (10/02/07) // * v3.21 (09/30/07) // * v3.20 (07/12/07) // * v3.10 (05/28/07) // * v3.00 (05/15/07) // * v2.02 (11/13/06) // // Credit: LyteBox was originally derived from the Lightbox class (v2.02) that was written by Lokesh Dhakar. For more // information please visit http://huddletogether.com/projects/lightbox2/ //***********************************************************************************************************************************/ Array.prototype.removeDuplicates = function () { for (var i = 1; i < this.length; i++) { if (this[i][0] == this[i-1][0]) { this.splice(i,1); } } } Array.prototype.empty = function () { for (var i = 0; i <= this.length; i++) { this.shift(); } } String.prototype.trim = function () { return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); } function LyteBox() { /*** Start Global Configuration ***/ this.theme = 'grey'; // themes: grey (default), red, green, blue, gold this.hideFlash = true; // controls whether or not Flash objects should be hidden this.outerBorder = true; // controls whether to show the outer grey (or theme) border this.resizeSpeed = 6; // controls the speed of the image resizing (8)(1=slowest and 10=fastest) this.maxOpacity = 80; // higher opacity = darker overlay, lower opacity = lighter overlay this.navType = 1; // 1 = "Prev/Next" buttons on top left and left (default), 2 = "<< prev | next >>" links next to image number this.autoResize = false; // controls whether or not images should be resized if larger than the browser window dimensions this.doAnimations = true; // controls whether or not "animate" Lytebox, i.e. resize transition between images, fade in/out effects, etc. this.borderSize = 12; // if you adjust the padding in the CSS, you will need to update this variable -- otherwise, leave this alone... /*** End Global Configuration ***/ /*** Configure Slideshow Options ***/ this.slideInterval = 6000; // (4000)Change value (milliseconds) to increase/decrease the time between "slides" (10000 = 10 seconds) this.showNavigation = true; // true to display Next/Prev buttons/text during slideshow, false to hide this.showClose = true; // true to display the Close button, false to hide this.showDetails = true; // true to display image details (caption, count), false to hide this.showPlayPause = true; // true to display pause/play buttons next to close button, false to hide this.autoEnd = false; // true to automatically close Lytebox after the last image is reached, false to keep open this.pauseOnNextClick = false; // true to pause the slideshow when the "Next" button is clicked this.pauseOnPrevClick = true; // true to pause the slideshow when the "Prev" button is clicked /*** End Slideshow Configuration ***/ if(this.resizeSpeed > 10) { this.resizeSpeed = 10; } if(this.resizeSpeed < 1) { resizeSpeed = 1; } this.resizeDuration = (11 - this.resizeSpeed) * 0.15; this.resizeWTimerArray = new Array(); this.resizeWTimerCount = 0; this.resizeHTimerArray = new Array(); this.resizeHTimerCount = 0; this.showContentTimerArray = new Array(); this.showContentTimerCount = 0; this.overlayTimerArray = new Array(); this.overlayTimerCount = 0; this.imageTimerArray = new Array(); this.imageTimerCount = 0; this.timerIDArray = new Array(); this.timerIDCount = 0; this.slideshowIDArray = new Array(); this.slideshowIDCount = 0; this.imageArray = new Array(); this.activeImage = null; this.slideArray = new Array(); this.activeSlide = null; this.frameArray = new Array(); this.activeFrame = null; this.checkFrame(); this.isSlideshow = false; this.isLyteframe = false; /*@cc_on /*@if (@_jscript) this.ie = (document.all && !window.opera) ? true : false; /*@else @*/ this.ie = false; /*@end @*/ this.ie7 = (this.ie && window.XMLHttpRequest); this.initialize(); } LyteBox.prototype.initialize = function() { this.updateLyteboxItems(); var objBody = this.doc.getElementsByTagName("body").item(0); if (this.doc.getElementById('lbOverlay')) { objBody.removeChild(this.doc.getElementById("lbOverlay")); objBody.removeChild(this.doc.getElementById("lbMain")); } var objOverlay = this.doc.createElement("div"); objOverlay.setAttribute('id','lbOverlay'); objOverlay.setAttribute((this.ie ? 'className' : 'class'), this.theme); if ((this.ie && !this.ie7) || (this.ie7 && this.doc.compatMode == 'BackCompat')) { objOverlay.style.position = 'absolute'; } objOverlay.style.display = 'none'; objBody.appendChild(objOverlay); var objLytebox = this.doc.createElement("div"); objLytebox.setAttribute('id','lbMain'); objLytebox.style.display = 'none'; objBody.appendChild(objLytebox); var objOuterContainer = this.doc.createElement("div"); objOuterContainer.setAttribute('id','lbOuterContainer'); objOuterContainer.setAttribute((this.ie ? 'className' : 'class'), this.theme); objLytebox.appendChild(objOuterContainer); var objIframeContainer = this.doc.createElement("div"); objIframeContainer.setAttribute('id','lbIframeContainer'); objIframeContainer.style.display = 'none'; objOuterContainer.appendChild(objIframeContainer); var objIframe = this.doc.createElement("iframe"); objIframe.setAttribute('id','lbIframe'); objIframe.setAttribute('name','lbIframe'); objIframe.style.display = 'none'; objIframeContainer.appendChild(objIframe); var objImageContainer = this.doc.createElement("div"); objImageContainer.setAttribute('id','lbImageContainer'); objOuterContainer.appendChild(objImageContainer); var objLyteboxImage = this.doc.createElement("img"); objLyteboxImage.setAttribute('id','lbImage'); objImageContainer.appendChild(objLyteboxImage); var objLoading = this.doc.createElement("div"); objLoading.setAttribute('id','lbLoading'); objOuterContainer.appendChild(objLoading); var objDetailsContainer = this.doc.createElement("div"); objDetailsContainer.setAttribute('id','lbDetailsContainer'); objDetailsContainer.setAttribute((this.ie ? 'className' : 'class'), this.theme); objLytebox.appendChild(objDetailsContainer); var objDetailsData =this.doc.createElement("div"); objDetailsData.setAttribute('id','lbDetailsData'); objDetailsData.setAttribute((this.ie ? 'className' : 'class'), this.theme); objDetailsContainer.appendChild(objDetailsData); var objDetails = this.doc.createElement("div"); objDetails.setAttribute('id','lbDetails'); objDetailsData.appendChild(objDetails); var objCaption = this.doc.createElement("span"); objCaption.setAttribute('id','lbCaption'); objDetails.appendChild(objCaption); var objHoverNav = this.doc.createElement("div"); objHoverNav.setAttribute('id','lbHoverNav'); objImageContainer.appendChild(objHoverNav); var objBottomNav = this.doc.createElement("div"); objBottomNav.setAttribute('id','lbBottomNav'); objDetailsData.appendChild(objBottomNav); var objPrev = this.doc.createElement("a"); objPrev.setAttribute('id','lbPrev'); objPrev.setAttribute((this.ie ? 'className' : 'class'), this.theme); objPrev.setAttribute('href','#'); objHoverNav.appendChild(objPrev); var objNext = this.doc.createElement("a"); objNext.setAttribute('id','lbNext'); objNext.setAttribute((this.ie ? 'className' : 'class'), this.theme); objNext.setAttribute('href','#'); objHoverNav.appendChild(objNext); var objNumberDisplay = this.doc.createElement("span"); objNumberDisplay.setAttribute('id','lbNumberDisplay'); objDetails.appendChild(objNumberDisplay); var objNavDisplay = this.doc.createElement("span"); objNavDisplay.setAttribute('id','lbNavDisplay'); objNavDisplay.style.display = 'none'; objDetails.appendChild(objNavDisplay); var objClose = this.doc.createElement("a"); objClose.setAttribute('id','lbClose'); objClose.setAttribute((this.ie ? 'className' : 'class'), this.theme); objClose.setAttribute('href','#'); objBottomNav.appendChild(objClose); var objPause = this.doc.createElement("a"); objPause.setAttribute('id','lbPause'); objPause.setAttribute((this.ie ? 'className' : 'class'), this.theme); objPause.setAttribute('href','#'); objPause.style.display = 'none'; objBottomNav.appendChild(objPause); var objPlay = this.doc.createElement("a"); objPlay.setAttribute('id','lbPlay'); objPlay.setAttribute((this.ie ? 'className' : 'class'), this.theme); objPlay.setAttribute('href','#'); objPlay.style.display = 'none'; objBottomNav.appendChild(objPlay); }; LyteBox.prototype.updateLyteboxItems = function() { var anchors = (this.isFrame) ? window.parent.frames[window.name].document.getElementsByTagName('a') : document.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (var i = 0; i < anchors.length; i++) { var anchor = anchors[i]; var relAttribute = String(anchor.getAttribute('rel')); if (anchor.getAttribute('href')) { if (relAttribute.toLowerCase().match('lytebox')) { anchor.onclick = function () { myLytebox.start(this, false, false); return false; } } else if (relAttribute.toLowerCase().match('lyteshow')) { anchor.onclick = function () { myLytebox.start(this, true, false); return false; } } else if (relAttribute.toLowerCase().match('lyteframe')) { anchor.onclick = function () { myLytebox.start(this, false, true); return false; } } } } }; LyteBox.prototype.start = function(imageLink, doSlide, doFrame) { if (this.ie && !this.ie7) { this.toggleSelects('hide'); } if (this.hideFlash) { this.toggleFlash('hide'); } this.isLyteframe = (doFrame ? true : false); var pageSize = this.getPageSize(); var objOverlay = this.doc.getElementById('lbOverlay'); var objBody = this.doc.getElementsByTagName("body").item(0); objOverlay.style.height = pageSize[1] + "px"; objOverlay.style.display = ''; this.appear('lbOverlay', (this.doAnimations ? 0 : this.maxOpacity)); var anchors = (this.isFrame) ? window.parent.frames[window.name].document.getElementsByTagName('a') : document.getElementsByTagName('a'); if (this.isLyteframe) { this.frameArray = []; this.frameNum = 0; if ((imageLink.getAttribute('rel') == 'lyteframe')) { var rev = imageLink.getAttribute('rev'); this.frameArray.push(new Array(imageLink.getAttribute('href'), imageLink.getAttribute('title'), (rev == null || rev == '' ? 'width: 400px; height: 400px; scrolling: auto;' : rev))); } else { if (imageLink.getAttribute('rel').indexOf('lyteframe') != -1) { for (var i = 0; i < anchors.length; i++) { var anchor = anchors[i]; if (anchor.getAttribute('href') && (anchor.getAttribute('rel') == imageLink.getAttribute('rel'))) { var rev = anchor.getAttribute('rev'); this.frameArray.push(new Array(anchor.getAttribute('href'), anchor.getAttribute('title'), (rev == null || rev == '' ? 'width: 400px; height: 400px; scrolling: auto;' : rev))); } } this.frameArray.removeDuplicates(); while(this.frameArray[this.frameNum][0] != imageLink.getAttribute('href')) { this.frameNum++; } } } } else { this.imageArray = []; this.imageNum = 0; this.slideArray = []; this.slideNum = 0; if ((imageLink.getAttribute('rel') == 'lytebox')) { this.imageArray.push(new Array(imageLink.getAttribute('href'), imageLink.getAttribute('title'))); } else { if (imageLink.getAttribute('rel').indexOf('lytebox') != -1) { for (var i = 0; i < anchors.length; i++) { var anchor = anchors[i]; if (anchor.getAttribute('href') && (anchor.getAttribute('rel') == imageLink.getAttribute('rel'))) { this.imageArray.push(new Array(anchor.getAttribute('href'), anchor.getAttribute('title'))); } } this.imageArray.removeDuplicates(); while(this.imageArray[this.imageNum][0] != imageLink.getAttribute('href')) { this.imageNum++; } } if (imageLink.getAttribute('rel').indexOf('lyteshow') != -1) { for (var i = 0; i < anchors.length; i++) { var anchor = anchors[i]; if (anchor.getAttribute('href') && (anchor.getAttribute('rel') == imageLink.getAttribute('rel'))) { this.slideArray.push(new Array(anchor.getAttribute('href'), anchor.getAttribute('title'))); } } this.slideArray.removeDuplicates(); while(this.slideArray[this.slideNum][0] != imageLink.getAttribute('href')) { this.slideNum++; } } } } var object = this.doc.getElementById('lbMain'); object.style.top = (this.getPageScroll() + (pageSize[3] / 15)) + "px"; object.style.display = ''; if (!this.outerBorder) { this.doc.getElementById('lbOuterContainer').style.border = 'none'; this.doc.getElementById('lbDetailsContainer').style.border = 'none'; } else { this.doc.getElementById('lbOuterContainer').style.borderBottom = ''; this.doc.getElementById('lbOuterContainer').setAttribute((this.ie ? 'className' : 'class'), this.theme); } this.doc.getElementById('lbOverlay').onclick = function() { myLytebox.end(); return false; } this.doc.getElementById('lbMain').onclick = function(e) { var e = e; if (!e) { if (window.parent.frames[window.name] && (parent.document.getElementsByTagName('frameset').length <= 0)) { e = window.parent.window.event; } else { e = window.event; } } var id = (e.target ? e.target.id : e.srcElement.id); if (id == 'lbMain') { myLytebox.end(); return false; } } this.doc.getElementById('lbClose').onclick = function() { myLytebox.end(); return false; } this.doc.getElementById('lbPause').onclick = function() { myLytebox.togglePlayPause("lbPause", "lbPlay"); return false; } this.doc.getElementById('lbPlay').onclick = function() { myLytebox.togglePlayPause("lbPlay", "lbPause"); return false; } this.isSlideshow = doSlide; this.isPaused = (this.slideNum != 0 ? true : false); if (this.isSlideshow && this.showPlayPause && this.isPaused) { this.doc.getElementById('lbPlay').style.display = ''; this.doc.getElementById('lbPause').style.display = 'none'; } if (this.isLyteframe) { this.changeContent(this.frameNum); } else { if (this.isSlideshow) { this.changeContent(this.slideNum); } else { this.changeContent(this.imageNum); } } }; LyteBox.prototype.changeContent = function(imageNum) { if (this.isSlideshow) { for (var i = 0; i < this.slideshowIDCount; i++) { window.clearTimeout(this.slideshowIDArray[i]); } } this.activeImage = this.activeSlide = this.activeFrame = imageNum; if (!this.outerBorder) { this.doc.getElementById('lbOuterContainer').style.border = 'none'; this.doc.getElementById('lbDetailsContainer').style.border = 'none'; } else { this.doc.getElementById('lbOuterContainer').style.borderBottom = ''; this.doc.getElementById('lbOuterContainer').setAttribute((this.ie ? 'className' : 'class'), this.theme); } this.doc.getElementById('lbLoading').style.display = ''; this.doc.getElementById('lbImage').style.display = 'none'; this.doc.getElementById('lbIframe').style.display = 'none'; this.doc.getElementById('lbPrev').style.display = 'none'; this.doc.getElementById('lbNext').style.display = 'none'; this.doc.getElementById('lbIframeContainer').style.display = 'none'; this.doc.getElementById('lbDetailsContainer').style.display = 'none'; this.doc.getElementById('lbNumberDisplay').style.display = 'none'; if (this.navType == 2 || this.isLyteframe) { object = this.doc.getElementById('lbNavDisplay'); object.innerHTML = '    || '; object.style.display = 'none'; } if (this.isLyteframe) { var iframe = myLytebox.doc.getElementById('lbIframe'); var styles = this.frameArray[this.activeFrame][2]; var aStyles = styles.split(';'); for (var i = 0; i < aStyles.length; i++) { if (aStyles[i].indexOf('width:') >= 0) { var w = aStyles[i].replace('width:', ''); iframe.width = w.trim(); } else if (aStyles[i].indexOf('height:') >= 0) { var h = aStyles[i].replace('height:', ''); iframe.height = h.trim(); } else if (aStyles[i].indexOf('scrolling:') >= 0) { var s = aStyles[i].replace('scrolling:', ''); iframe.scrolling = s.trim(); } else if (aStyles[i].indexOf('border:') >= 0) { // Not implemented yet, as there are cross-platform issues with setting the border (from a GUI standpoint) //var b = aStyles[i].replace('border:', ''); //iframe.style.border = b.trim(); } } this.resizeContainer(parseInt(iframe.width), parseInt(iframe.height)); } else { imgPreloader = new Image(); imgPreloader.onload = function() { var imageWidth = imgPreloader.width; var imageHeight = imgPreloader.height; if (myLytebox.autoResize) { var pagesize = myLytebox.getPageSize(); var x = pagesize[2] - 150; var y = pagesize[3] - 150; if (imageWidth > x) { imageHeight = Math.round(imageHeight * (x / imageWidth)); imageWidth = x; if (imageHeight > y) { imageWidth = Math.round(imageWidth * (y / imageHeight)); imageHeight = y; } } else if (imageHeight > y) { imageWidth = Math.round(imageWidth * (y / imageHeight)); imageHeight = y; if (imageWidth > x) { imageHeight = Math.round(imageHeight * (x / imageWidth)); imageWidth = x; } } } var lbImage = myLytebox.doc.getElementById('lbImage') lbImage.src = (myLytebox.isSlideshow ? myLytebox.slideArray[myLytebox.activeSlide][0] : myLytebox.imageArray[myLytebox.activeImage][0]); lbImage.width = imageWidth; lbImage.height = imageHeight; myLytebox.resizeContainer(imageWidth, imageHeight); imgPreloader.onload = function() {}; } imgPreloader.src = (this.isSlideshow ? this.slideArray[this.activeSlide][0] : this.imageArray[this.activeImage][0]); } }; LyteBox.prototype.resizeContainer = function(imgWidth, imgHeight) { this.wCur = this.doc.getElementById('lbOuterContainer').offsetWidth; this.hCur = this.doc.getElementById('lbOuterContainer').offsetHeight; this.xScale = ((imgWidth + (this.borderSize * 2)) / this.wCur) * 100; this.yScale = ((imgHeight + (this.borderSize * 2)) / this.hCur) * 100; var wDiff = (this.wCur - this.borderSize * 2) - imgWidth; var hDiff = (this.hCur - this.borderSize * 2) - imgHeight; if (!(hDiff == 0)) { this.hDone = false; this.resizeH('lbOuterContainer', this.hCur, imgHeight + this.borderSize*2, this.getPixelRate(this.hCur, imgHeight)); } else { this.hDone = true; } if (!(wDiff == 0)) { this.wDone = false; this.resizeW('lbOuterContainer', this.wCur, imgWidth + this.borderSize*2, this.getPixelRate(this.wCur, imgWidth)); } else { this.wDone = true; } if ((hDiff == 0) && (wDiff == 0)) { if (this.ie){ this.pause(250); } else { this.pause(100); } } this.doc.getElementById('lbPrev').style.height = imgHeight + "px"; this.doc.getElementById('lbNext').style.height = imgHeight + "px"; this.doc.getElementById('lbDetailsContainer').style.width = (imgWidth + (this.borderSize * 2) + (this.ie && this.doc.compatMode == "BackCompat" && this.outerBorder ? 2 : 0)) + "px"; this.showContent(); }; LyteBox.prototype.showContent = function() { if (this.wDone && this.hDone) { for (var i = 0; i < this.showContentTimerCount; i++) { window.clearTimeout(this.showContentTimerArray[i]); } if (this.outerBorder) { this.doc.getElementById('lbOuterContainer').style.borderBottom = 'none'; } this.doc.getElementById('lbLoading').style.display = 'none'; if (this.isLyteframe) { this.doc.getElementById('lbIframe').style.display = ''; this.appear('lbIframe', (this.doAnimations ? 0 : 100)); } else { this.doc.getElementById('lbImage').style.display = ''; this.appear('lbImage', (this.doAnimations ? 0 : 100)); this.preloadNeighborImages(); } if (this.isSlideshow) { if(this.activeSlide == (this.slideArray.length - 1)) { if (this.autoEnd) { this.slideshowIDArray[this.slideshowIDCount++] = setTimeout("myLytebox.end('slideshow')", this.slideInterval); } } else { if (!this.isPaused) { this.slideshowIDArray[this.slideshowIDCount++] = setTimeout("myLytebox.changeContent("+(this.activeSlide+1)+")", this.slideInterval); } } this.doc.getElementById('lbHoverNav').style.display = (this.showNavigation && this.navType == 1 ? '' : 'none'); this.doc.getElementById('lbClose').style.display = (this.showClose ? '' : 'none'); this.doc.getElementById('lbDetails').style.display = (this.showDetails ? '' : 'none'); this.doc.getElementById('lbPause').style.display = (this.showPlayPause && !this.isPaused ? '' : 'none'); this.doc.getElementById('lbPlay').style.display = (this.showPlayPause && !this.isPaused ? 'none' : ''); this.doc.getElementById('lbNavDisplay').style.display = (this.showNavigation && this.navType == 2 ? '' : 'none'); } else { this.doc.getElementById('lbHoverNav').style.display = (this.navType == 1 && !this.isLyteframe ? '' : 'none'); if ((this.navType == 2 && !this.isLyteframe && this.imageArray.length > 1) || (this.frameArray.length > 1 && this.isLyteframe)) { this.doc.getElementById('lbNavDisplay').style.display = ''; } else { this.doc.getElementById('lbNavDisplay').style.display = 'none'; } this.doc.getElementById('lbClose').style.display = ''; this.doc.getElementById('lbDetails').style.display = ''; this.doc.getElementById('lbPause').style.display = 'none'; this.doc.getElementById('lbPlay').style.display = 'none'; } this.doc.getElementById('lbImageContainer').style.display = (this.isLyteframe ? 'none' : ''); this.doc.getElementById('lbIframeContainer').style.display = (this.isLyteframe ? '' : 'none'); try { this.doc.getElementById('lbIframe').src = this.frameArray[this.activeFrame][0]; } catch(e) { } } else { this.showContentTimerArray[this.showContentTimerCount++] = setTimeout("myLytebox.showContent()", 200); } }; LyteBox.prototype.updateDetails = function() { var object = this.doc.getElementById('lbCaption'); var sTitle = (this.isSlideshow ? this.slideArray[this.activeSlide][1] : (this.isLyteframe ? this.frameArray[this.activeFrame][1] : this.imageArray[this.activeImage][1])); object.style.display = ''; object.innerHTML = (sTitle == null ? '' : sTitle); this.updateNav(); this.doc.getElementById('lbDetailsContainer').style.display = ''; object = this.doc.getElementById('lbNumberDisplay'); if (this.isSlideshow && this.slideArray.length > 1) { object.style.display = ''; object.innerHTML = "Image " + eval(this.activeSlide + 1) + " of " + this.slideArray.length; this.doc.getElementById('lbNavDisplay').style.display = (this.navType == 2 && this.showNavigation ? '' : 'none'); } else if (this.imageArray.length > 1 && !this.isLyteframe) { object.style.display = ''; object.innerHTML = "Image " + eval(this.activeImage + 1) + " of " + this.imageArray.length; this.doc.getElementById('lbNavDisplay').style.display = (this.navType == 2 ? 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this.doc.getElementById('lbPrev2') : this.doc.getElementById('lbPrev')); object.style.display = ''; object.onclick = function() { myLytebox.changeContent(myLytebox.activeImage - 1); return false; } } else { if (this.navType == 2) { this.doc.getElementById('lbPrev2_Off').style.display = ''; } } if(this.activeImage != (this.imageArray.length - 1)) { var object = (this.navType == 2 ? this.doc.getElementById('lbNext2') : this.doc.getElementById('lbNext')); object.style.display = ''; object.onclick = function() { myLytebox.changeContent(myLytebox.activeImage + 1); return false; } } else { if (this.navType == 2) { this.doc.getElementById('lbNext2_Off').style.display = ''; } } } this.enableKeyboardNav(); }; LyteBox.prototype.enableKeyboardNav = function() { document.onkeydown = this.keyboardAction; }; LyteBox.prototype.disableKeyboardNav = function() { document.onkeydown = ''; }; LyteBox.prototype.keyboardAction = function(e) { var keycode = key = escape = null; keycode = (e == null) ? event.keyCode : e.which; key = String.fromCharCode(keycode).toLowerCase(); escape = (e == null) ? 27 : e.DOM_VK_ESCAPE; if ((key == 'x') || (key == 'c') || (keycode == escape)) { myLytebox.end(); } else if ((key == 'p') || (keycode == 37)) { if (myLytebox.isSlideshow) { if(myLytebox.activeSlide != 0) { myLytebox.disableKeyboardNav(); myLytebox.changeContent(myLytebox.activeSlide - 1); } } else if (myLytebox.isLyteframe) { if(myLytebox.activeFrame != 0) { myLytebox.disableKeyboardNav(); myLytebox.changeContent(myLytebox.activeFrame - 1); } } else { if(myLytebox.activeImage != 0) { myLytebox.disableKeyboardNav(); myLytebox.changeContent(myLytebox.activeImage - 1); } } } else if ((key == 'n') || (keycode == 39)) { if (myLytebox.isSlideshow) { if(myLytebox.activeSlide != (myLytebox.slideArray.length - 1)) { myLytebox.disableKeyboardNav(); myLytebox.changeContent(myLytebox.activeSlide + 1); } } else if (myLytebox.isLyteframe) { if(myLytebox.activeFrame != (myLytebox.frameArray.length - 1)) { myLytebox.disableKeyboardNav(); myLytebox.changeContent(myLytebox.activeFrame + 1); } } else { if(myLytebox.activeImage != (myLytebox.imageArray.length - 1)) { myLytebox.disableKeyboardNav(); myLytebox.changeContent(myLytebox.activeImage + 1); } } } }; LyteBox.prototype.preloadNeighborImages = function() { if (this.isSlideshow) { if ((this.slideArray.length - 1) > this.activeSlide) { preloadNextImage = new Image(); preloadNextImage.src = this.slideArray[this.activeSlide + 1][0]; } if(this.activeSlide > 0) { preloadPrevImage = new Image(); preloadPrevImage.src = this.slideArray[this.activeSlide - 1][0]; } } else { if ((this.imageArray.length - 1) > this.activeImage) { preloadNextImage = new Image(); preloadNextImage.src = this.imageArray[this.activeImage + 1][0]; } if(this.activeImage > 0) { preloadPrevImage = new Image(); preloadPrevImage.src = this.imageArray[this.activeImage - 1][0]; } } }; LyteBox.prototype.togglePlayPause = function(hideID, showID) { if (this.isSlideshow && hideID == "lbPause") { for (var i = 0; i < this.slideshowIDCount; i++) { window.clearTimeout(this.slideshowIDArray[i]); } } this.doc.getElementById(hideID).style.display = 'none'; this.doc.getElementById(showID).style.display = ''; if (hideID == "lbPlay") { this.isPaused = false; if (this.activeSlide == (this.slideArray.length - 1)) { this.end(); } else { this.changeContent(this.activeSlide + 1); } } else { this.isPaused = true; } }; LyteBox.prototype.end = function(caller) { var closeClick = (caller == 'slideshow' ? false : true); if (this.isSlideshow && this.isPaused && !closeClick) { return; } this.disableKeyboardNav(); this.doc.getElementById('lbMain').style.display = 'none'; this.fade('lbOverlay', (this.doAnimations ? this.maxOpacity : 0)); this.toggleSelects('visible'); if (this.hideFlash) { this.toggleFlash('visible'); } if (this.isSlideshow) { for (var i = 0; i < this.slideshowIDCount; i++) { window.clearTimeout(this.slideshowIDArray[i]); } } if (this.isLyteframe) { this.initialize(); } }; LyteBox.prototype.checkFrame = function() { if (window.parent.frames[window.name] && (parent.document.getElementsByTagName('frameset').length <= 0)) { this.isFrame = true; this.lytebox = "window.parent." + window.name + ".myLytebox"; this.doc = parent.document; } else { this.isFrame = false; this.lytebox = "myLytebox"; this.doc = document; } }; LyteBox.prototype.getPixelRate = function(cur, img) { var diff = (img > cur) ? img - cur : cur - img; if (diff >= 0 && diff <= 100) { return 10; } if (diff > 100 && diff <= 200) { return 15; } if (diff > 200 && diff <= 300) { return 20; } if (diff > 300 && diff <= 400) { return 25; } if (diff > 400 && diff <= 500) { return 30; } if (diff > 500 && diff <= 600) { return 35; } if (diff > 600 && diff <= 700) { return 40; } if (diff > 700) { return 45; } }; LyteBox.prototype.appear = function(id, opacity) { var object = this.doc.getElementById(id).style; object.opacity = (opacity / 100); object.MozOpacity = (opacity / 100); object.KhtmlOpacity = (opacity / 100); object.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + (opacity + 10) + ")"; if (opacity == 100 && (id == 'lbImage' || id == 'lbIframe')) { try { object.removeAttribute("filter"); } catch(e) {} /* Fix added for IE Alpha Opacity Filter bug. */ this.updateDetails(); } else if (opacity >= this.maxOpacity && id == 'lbOverlay') { for (var i = 0; i < this.overlayTimerCount; i++) { window.clearTimeout(this.overlayTimerArray[i]); } return; } else if (opacity >= 100 && id == 'lbDetailsContainer') { try { object.removeAttribute("filter"); } catch(e) {} /* Fix added for IE Alpha Opacity Filter bug. */ for (var i = 0; i < this.imageTimerCount; i++) { window.clearTimeout(this.imageTimerArray[i]); } this.doc.getElementById('lbOverlay').style.height = this.getPageSize()[1] + "px"; } else { if (id == 'lbOverlay') { this.overlayTimerArray[this.overlayTimerCount++] = setTimeout("myLytebox.appear('" + id + "', " + (opacity+20) + ")", 1); } else { this.imageTimerArray[this.imageTimerCount++] = setTimeout("myLytebox.appear('" + id + "', " + (opacity+10) + ")", 1); } } }; LyteBox.prototype.fade = function(id, opacity) { var object = this.doc.getElementById(id).style; object.opacity = (opacity / 100); object.MozOpacity = (opacity / 100); object.KhtmlOpacity = (opacity / 100); object.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + opacity + ")"; if (opacity <= 0) { try { object.display = 'none'; } catch(err) { } } else if (id == 'lbOverlay') { this.overlayTimerArray[this.overlayTimerCount++] = setTimeout("myLytebox.fade('" + id + "', " + (opacity-20) + ")", 1); } else { this.timerIDArray[this.timerIDCount++] = setTimeout("myLytebox.fade('" + id + "', " + (opacity-10) + ")", 1); } }; LyteBox.prototype.resizeW = function(id, curW, maxW, pixelrate, speed) { if (!this.hDone) { this.resizeWTimerArray[this.resizeWTimerCount++] = setTimeout("myLytebox.resizeW('" + id + "', " + curW + ", " + maxW + ", " + pixelrate + ")", 100); return; } var object = this.doc.getElementById(id); var timer = speed ? speed : (this.resizeDuration/2); var newW = (this.doAnimations ? curW : maxW); object.style.width = (newW) + "px"; if (newW < maxW) { newW += (newW + pixelrate >= maxW) ? (maxW - newW) : pixelrate; } else if (newW > maxW) { newW -= (newW - pixelrate <= maxW) ? (newW - maxW) : pixelrate; } this.resizeWTimerArray[this.resizeWTimerCount++] = setTimeout("myLytebox.resizeW('" + id + "', " + newW + ", " + maxW + ", " + pixelrate + ", " + (timer+0.02) + ")", timer+0.02); if (parseInt(object.style.width) == maxW) { this.wDone = true; for (var i = 0; i < this.resizeWTimerCount; i++) { window.clearTimeout(this.resizeWTimerArray[i]); } } }; LyteBox.prototype.resizeH = function(id, curH, maxH, pixelrate, speed) { var timer = speed ? speed : (this.resizeDuration/2); var object = this.doc.getElementById(id); var newH = (this.doAnimations ? curH : maxH); object.style.height = (newH) + "px"; if (newH < maxH) { newH += (newH + pixelrate >= maxH) ? (maxH - newH) : pixelrate; } else if (newH > maxH) { newH -= (newH - pixelrate <= maxH) ? (newH - maxH) : pixelrate; } this.resizeHTimerArray[this.resizeHTimerCount++] = setTimeout("myLytebox.resizeH('" + id + "', " + newH + ", " + maxH + ", " + pixelrate + ", " + (timer+.02) + ")", timer+.02); if (parseInt(object.style.height) == maxH) { this.hDone = true; for (var i = 0; i < this.resizeHTimerCount; i++) { window.clearTimeout(this.resizeHTimerArray[i]); } } }; LyteBox.prototype.getPageScroll = function() { if (self.pageYOffset) { return this.isFrame ? parent.pageYOffset : self.pageYOffset; } else if (this.doc.documentElement && this.doc.documentElement.scrollTop){ return this.doc.documentElement.scrollTop; } else if (document.body) { return this.doc.body.scrollTop; } }; LyteBox.prototype.getPageSize = function() { var xScroll, yScroll, windowWidth, windowHeight; if (window.innerHeight && window.scrollMaxY) { xScroll = this.doc.scrollWidth; yScroll = (this.isFrame ? parent.innerHeight : self.innerHeight) + (this.isFrame ? parent.scrollMaxY : self.scrollMaxY); } else if (this.doc.body.scrollHeight > this.doc.body.offsetHeight){ xScroll = this.doc.body.scrollWidth; yScroll = this.doc.body.scrollHeight; } else { xScroll = this.doc.getElementsByTagName("html").item(0).offsetWidth; yScroll = this.doc.getElementsByTagName("html").item(0).offsetHeight; xScroll = (xScroll < this.doc.body.offsetWidth) ? this.doc.body.offsetWidth : xScroll; yScroll = (yScroll < this.doc.body.offsetHeight) ? this.doc.body.offsetHeight : yScroll; } if (self.innerHeight) { windowWidth = (this.isFrame) ? parent.innerWidth : self.innerWidth; windowHeight = (this.isFrame) ? parent.innerHeight : self.innerHeight; } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) { windowWidth = this.doc.documentElement.clientWidth; windowHeight = this.doc.documentElement.clientHeight; } else if (document.body) { windowWidth = this.doc.getElementsByTagName("html").item(0).clientWidth; windowHeight = this.doc.getElementsByTagName("html").item(0).clientHeight; windowWidth = (windowWidth == 0) ? this.doc.body.clientWidth : windowWidth; windowHeight = (windowHeight == 0) ? this.doc.body.clientHeight : windowHeight; } var pageHeight = (yScroll < windowHeight) ? windowHeight : yScroll; var pageWidth = (xScroll < windowWidth) ? windowWidth : xScroll; return new Array(pageWidth, pageHeight, windowWidth, windowHeight); }; LyteBox.prototype.toggleFlash = function(state) { var objects = this.doc.getElementsByTagName("object"); for (var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) { objects[i].style.visibility = (state == "hide") ? 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Throws an exception if false. // Fail(): Throws an exception. (Mark block of code that should be unreachable) // AssertEquals(): assert that two values are equal. // AssertNumArgs(): assert number of arguments for the function // AssertType(): assert that a value has a particular type // // - Cookies // SetCookie(): Sets a cookie. // ExpireCookie(): Expires a cookie. // GetCookie(): Gets a cookie value. // // - Dynamic HTML/DOM utilities // MaybeGetElement(): get an element by its id // GetElement(): get an element by its id // GetParentNode(): Get the parent of an element // GetAttribute(): Get attribute value of a DOM node // SetInnerHTML(): set the inner HTML of a node // GetInnerHTML(): get the inner HTML of a node // ClearInnerHTML(): clear the inner HTML of a node // SetCssStyle(): Sets a CSS property of a node. // GetStyleProperty(): Get CSS property from a style attribute string // ShowElement(): Show/hide element by setting the "display" css property. // ShowBlockElement(): Show/hide block element // SetButtonText(): Set the text of a button element. // AppendNewElement(): Create and append a html element to a parent node. // CreateDIV(): Create a DIV element and append to the document. // CreateIFRAME(): Create an IFRAME and append to the document. // HasClass(): check if element has a given class // AddClass(): add a class to an element // RemoveClass(): remove a class from an element // // - Window/Screen utiltiies // GetPageOffsetLeft(): get the X page offset of an element // GetPageOffsetTop(): get the Y page offset of an element // GetPageOffset(): get the X and Y page offsets of an element // GetPageOffsetRight() : get X page offset of the right side of an element // GetPageOffsetRight() : get Y page offset of the bottom of an element // GetScrollTop(): get the vertical scrolling pos of a window. // GetScrollLeft(): get the horizontal scrolling pos of a window // IsScrollAtEnd(): check if window scrollbar has reached its maximum offset // ScrollTo(): scroll window to a position // ScrollIntoView(): scroll window so that an element is in view. // GetWindowWidth(): get width of a window. // GetWindowHeight(): get height of a window // GetAvailScreenWidth(): get available screen width // GetAvailScreenHeight(): get available screen height // GetNiceWindowHeight(): get a nice height for a new browser window. // Open{External/Internal}Window(): open a separate window // CloseWindow(): close a window // // - DOM walking utilities // AnnotateTerms(): find terms in a node and decorate them with some tag // AnnotateText(): find terms in a text node and decorate them with some tag // // - String utilties // HtmlEscape(): html escapes a string // HtmlUnescape(): remove html-escaping. // QuoteEscape(): escape " quotes. // CollapseWhitespace(): collapse multiple whitespace into one whitespace. // Trim(): trim whitespace on ends of string // IsEmpty(): check if CollapseWhiteSpace(String) == "" // IsLetterOrDigit(): check if a character is a letter or a digit // ConvertEOLToLF(): normalize the new-lines of a string. // HtmlEscapeInsertWbrs(): HtmlEscapes and inserts s (word break tags) // after every n non-space chars and/or after or before certain special chars // // - TextArea utilities // GetCursorPos(): finds the cursor position of a textfield // SetCursorPos(): sets the cursor position in a textfield // // - Array utilities // FindInArray(): do a linear search to find an element value. // DeleteArrayElement(): return a new array with a specific value removed. // CloneObject(): clone an object, copying its values recursively. // CloneEvent(): clone an event; cannot use CloneObject because it // suffers from infinite recursion // // - Formatting utilities // PrintArray(): used to print/generate HTML by combining static text // and dynamic strings. // ImageHtml(): create html for an img tag // FormatJSLink(): formats a link that invokes js code when clicked. // MakeId3(): formats an id that has two id numbers, eg, foo_3_7 // // - Miscellaneous // IsDefined(): returns true if argument is not undefined //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // browser detection var agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var is_ie = (agent.indexOf('msie') != -1); //var is_ie5 = (agent.indexOf('msie 5') != -1 && document.all); var is_konqueror = (agent.indexOf('konqueror') != -1); var is_safari = (agent.indexOf('safari') != -1) || is_konqueror; var is_nav = !is_ie && !is_safari && (agent.indexOf('mozilla') != -1); var is_win = (agent.indexOf('win') != -1); delete agent; var BACKSPACE_KEYCODE = 8; var COMMA_KEYCODE = 188; // ',' key var DEBUG_KEYCODE = 68; // 'D' key var DELETE_KEYCODE = 46; var DOWN_KEYCODE = 40; // DOWN arrow key var ENTER_KEYCODE = 13; // ENTER key var ESC_KEYCODE = 27; // ESC key var LEFT_KEYCODE = 37; // LEFT arrow key var RIGHT_KEYCODE = 39; // RIGHT arrow key var SPACE_KEYCODE = 32; // space bar var TAB_KEYCODE = 9; // TAB key var UP_KEYCODE = 38; // UP arrow key var SHIFT_KEYCODE = 16; // This is a "constant" but has different values depending on the browser var semicolon_keycode = (is_ie ? 186 : 59); var MAX_EMAIL_ADDRESS_LENGTH = 320; // 64 + '@' + 255 var MAX_SIGNATURE_LENGTH = 1000; // 1000 chars of maximum signature //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Assertions // DEPRECATED: Use assert.js //------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * DEPRECATED: Use assert.js */ function raise(msg) { if (typeof Error != 'undefined') { throw new Error(msg || 'Assertion Failed'); } else { throw (msg); } } /** * DEPRECATED: Use assert.js * * Fail() is useful for marking logic paths that should * not be reached. For example, if you have a class that uses * ints for enums: * * MyClass.ENUM_FOO = 1; * MyClass.ENUM_BAR = 2; * MyClass.ENUM_BAZ = 3; * * And a switch statement elsewhere in your code that * has cases for each of these enums, then you can * "protect" your code as follows: * * switch(type) { * case MyClass.ENUM_FOO: doFooThing(); break; * case MyClass.ENUM_BAR: doBarThing(); break; * case MyClass.ENUM_BAZ: doBazThing(); break; * default: * Fail("No enum in MyClass with value: " + type); * } * * This way, if someone introduces a new value for this enum * without noticing this switch statement, then the code will * fail if the logic allows it to reach the switch with the * new value, alerting the developer that he should add a * case to the switch to handle the new value he has introduced. * * @param {string} opt_msg to display for failure * DEFAULT: "Assertion failed" */ function Fail(opt_msg) { if (opt_msg === undefined) opt_msg = 'Assertion failed'; if (IsDefined(DumpError)) DumpError(opt_msg + '\n'); raise(opt_msg); } /** * DEPRECATED: Use assert.js * * Asserts that an expression is true (non-zero and non-null). * * Note that it is critical not to pass logic * with side-effects as the expression for AssertTrue * because if the assertions are removed by the * JSCompiler, then the expression will be removed * as well, in which case the side-effects will * be lost. So instead of this: * * AssertTrue( criticalComputation() ); * * Do this: * * var result = criticalComputation(); * AssertTrue(result); * * @param {anything} expression to evaluate * @param {string} opt_msg to display if the assertion fails * */ function AssertTrue(expression, opt_msg) { if (!expression) { if (opt_msg === undefined) opt_msg = 'Assertion failed'; Fail(opt_msg); } } /** * DEPRECATED: Use assert.js * * Asserts that two values are the same. * * @param {anything} val1 * @param {anything} val2 * @param {string} opt_msg to display if the assertion fails */ function AssertEquals(val1, val2, opt_msg) { if (val1 != val2) { if (opt_msg === undefined) { opt_msg = "AssertEquals failed: <" + val1 + "> != <" + val2 + ">"; } Fail(opt_msg); } } /** * DEPRECATED: Use assert.js * * Asserts that a value is of the provided type. * * AssertType(6, Number); * AssertType("ijk", String); * AssertType([], Array); * AssertType({}, Object); * AssertType(ICAL_Date.now(), ICAL_Date); * * @param {anything} value * @param {constructor function} type * @param {string} opt_msg to display if the assertion fails */ function AssertType(value, type, opt_msg) { // for backwards compatability only if (typeof value == type) return; if (value || value == "") { try { if (type == AssertTypeMap[typeof value] || value instanceof type) return; } catch (e) { /* failure, type was an illegal argument to instanceof */ } } if (opt_msg === undefined) { if (typeof type == 'function') { var match = type.toString().match(/^\s*function\s+([^\s\{]+)/); if (match) type = match[1]; } opt_msg = "AssertType failed: <" + value + "> not typeof "+ type; } Fail(opt_msg); } var AssertTypeMap = { 'string' : String, 'number' : Number, 'boolean' : Boolean }; /** * DEPRECATED: Use assert.js * * Asserts that the number of arguments to a * function is num. For example: * * function myFunc(one, two, three) [ * AssertNumArgs(3); * ... * } * * myFunc(1, 2); // assertion fails! * * Note that AssertNumArgs does not take the function * as an argument; it is simply used in the context * of the function. * * @param {int} number of arguments expected * @param {string} opt_msg to display if the assertion fails */ function AssertNumArgs(num, opt_msg) { var caller = AssertNumArgs.caller; // This is not supported in safari 1.0 if (caller && caller.arguments.length != num) { if (opt_msg === undefined) { opt_msg = caller.name + ' expected ' + num + ' arguments ' + ' but received ' + caller.arguments.length; } Fail(opt_msg); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Cookies //------------------------------------------------------------------------ var ILLEGAL_COOKIE_CHARS_RE = /[\s;]/ /** * Sets a cookie. * The max_age can be -1 to set a session cookie. To expire cookies, use * ExpireCookie() instead. * * @param name The cookie name. * @param value The cookie value. * @param opt_max_age The max age in seconds (from now). Use -1 to set a * session cookie. If not provided, the default is -1 (i.e. set a session * cookie). * @param opt_path The path of the cookie, or null to not specify a path * attribute (browser will use the full request path). If not provided, the * default is '/' (i.e. path=/). * @param opt_domain The domain of the cookie, or null to not specify a domain * attribute (brower will use the full request host name). If not provided, * the default is null (i.e. let browser use full request host name). * @return Void. */ function SetCookie(name, value, opt_max_age, opt_path, opt_domain) { value = '' + value; AssertTrue((typeof name == 'string' && typeof value == 'string' && !name.match(ILLEGAL_COOKIE_CHARS_RE) && !value.match(ILLEGAL_COOKIE_CHARS_RE)), 'trying to set an invalid cookie'); if (!IsDefined(opt_max_age)) opt_max_age = -1; if (!IsDefined(opt_path)) opt_path = '/'; if (!IsDefined(opt_domain)) opt_domain = null; var domain_str = (opt_domain == null) ? '' : ';domain=' + opt_domain; var path_str = (opt_path == null) ? '' : ';path=' + opt_path; var expires_str; // Case 1: Set a session cookie. if (opt_max_age < 0) { expires_str = ''; // Case 2: Expire the cookie. // Note: We don't tell people about this option in the function doc because // we prefer people to use ExpireCookie() to expire cookies. } else if (opt_max_age == 0) { // Note: Don't use Jan 1, 1970 for date because NS 4.76 will try to convert // it to local time, and if the local time is before Jan 1, 1970, then the // browser will ignore the Expires attribute altogether. var pastDate = new Date(1970, 1 /*Feb*/, 1); // Feb 1, 1970 expires_str = ';expires=' + pastDate.toUTCString(); // Case 3: Set a persistent cookie. } else { var futureDate = new Date(Now() + opt_max_age * 1000); expires_str = ';expires=' + futureDate.toUTCString(); } document.cookie = name + '=' + value + domain_str + path_str + expires_str; } var EXPIRED_COOKIE_VALUE = 'EXPIRED'; /** * Expires a cookie. * * @param name The cookie name. * @param opt_path The path of the cookie, or null to expire a cookie set at * the full request path. If not provided, the default is '/' (i.e. path=/). * @param opt_domain The domain of the cookie, or null to expire a cookie set * at the full request host name. If not provided, the default is null (i.e. * cookie at full request host name). * @return Void. */ function ExpireCookie(name, opt_path, opt_domain) { SetCookie(name, EXPIRED_COOKIE_VALUE, 0, opt_path, opt_domain); } /** Returns the value for the first cookie with the given name * @param name : string * @return a string or the empty string if no cookie found. */ function GetCookie(name) { var nameeq = name + "="; var cookie = String(document.cookie); for (var pos = -1; (pos = cookie.indexOf(nameeq, pos + 1)) >= 0;) { var i = pos; // walk back along string skipping whitespace and looking for a ; before // the name to make sure that we don't match cookies whose name contains // the given name as a suffix. while (--i >= 0) { var ch = cookie.charAt(i); if (ch == ';') { i = -1; // indicate success break; } else if (' \t'.indexOf(ch) < 0) { break; } } if (-1 === i) { // first cookie in the string or we found a ; var end = cookie.indexOf(';', pos); if (end < 0) { end = cookie.length; } return cookie.substring(pos + nameeq.length, end); } } return ""; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Time //------------------------------------------------------------------------ function Now() { return (new Date()).getTime(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Dynamic HTML/DOM utilities //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Gets a element by its id, may return null function MaybeGetElement(win, id) { return win.document.getElementById(id); } // Same as MaybeGetElement except that it throws an exception if it's null function GetElement(win, id) { var el = win.document.getElementById(id); if (!el) { DumpError("Element " + id + " not found."); } return el; } // Gets elements by its id/name // IE treats getElementsByName as searching over ids, while Moz use names. // so tags must have both id and name as the same string function GetElements(win, id) { return win.document.getElementsByName(id); } // Gets the parent of a html element. function GetParentNode(n) { try { return n.parentNode; } catch (e) { // n.parentNode may throw a permission-denied exception on mozilla // (e.g. on text element), ignore this exception. return n; } } function IsDescendant(parent, child) { do { if (parent === child) return true; child = GetParentNode(child); } while (child && child !== document.body); return false; } // Get attribute value of a DOM node function GetAttribute(node, attribute) { if (!node.getAttribute) { return null; } var attr = node.getAttribute(attribute); if (is_ie && attribute == "style") { return attr.value; } else { return attr; } } // Sets inner html of a html element function SetInnerHTML(win, id, html) { try { GetElement(win, id).innerHTML = html; } catch (ex) { DumpException(ex); } } // Gets inner-html of a html element function GetInnerHTML(win, id) { try { return GetElement(win, id).innerHTML; } catch (ex) { DumpException(ex); return ""; } } // Clears inner html of a html element function ClearInnerHTML(win, id) { try { GetElement(win, id).innerHTML = ""; } catch (ex) { DumpException(ex); } } // Sets a CSS style of an element function SetCssStyle(win, id, name, value) { try { var elem = GetElement(win, id); elem.style[name] = value; } catch (ex) { DumpException(ex); } } // Get CSS property from a style attribute string function GetStyleProperty(style, name) { var i = style.indexOf(name); if (i != -1) { var j = style.indexOf(";", i); if (j == -1) { j = style.length; } // the +1 below is for the colon following the attribute name return CollapseWhitespace(style.substring(i + name.length + 1, j)); } return null; } // Show/hide an element. function ShowElement(el, show) { el.style.display = show ? "" : "none"; } // Show/hide a block element. // ShowElement() doesn't work if object has an initial class with display:none function ShowBlockElement(el, show) { el.style.display = show ? "block" : "none"; } // Show/hide an inline element. // ShowElement() doesn't work when an element starts off display:none. function ShowInlineElement(el, show) { el.style.display = show ? "inline" : "none"; } // Set the text of a button. This is to get around a bug in mozilla, // where we can't set the text of a button by setting innerHTML. function SetButtonText(button, text) { button.childNodes[0].nodeValue = text; } // Append a new HTML element to a HTML node. function AppendNewElement(win, parent, tag) { var e = win.document.createElement(tag); parent.appendChild(e); return e; } // Finds the child with the given ID, or null if there is node. // This does not search the children's children. function FindChildWithID(parent, id) { var el; for (el = parent.firstChild; el && el.id != id; el = el.nextSibling) { // skip } return el; } // Adds a disabled option to the given menu function AddMenuDisabledOption(win, menu, html) { var op = AppendNewElement(win, menu, 'OPTION'); op.disabled = true; op.innerHTML = html; return op; } // Adds a option to the given menu function AddMenuOption(win, menu, value, html) { var op = AppendNewElement(win, menu, 'OPTION'); op.value = value; op.innerHTML = html; return op; } // Create a new DIV (append it to the end of the document) function CreateDIV(win, id) { var div = MaybeGetElement(win, id); if (!div) { div = AppendNewElement(win, win.document.body, "div"); div.id = id; } return div; } // Create a new IFRAME (append it to the end of the document) function CreateIFRAME(win, id, url) { var iframe = MaybeGetElement(win, id); if (!iframe) { // We cannot create an IFRAME directly (IE doesn't allow it), so we // create a DIV and then insert an IFRAME. // We also give the IFRAME a name (same as id) var div = AppendNewElement(win, win.document.body, "div"); div.innerHTML = ""; iframe = GetElement(win, id); } return iframe; } // Create a new TR containing the given td's function Tr(win, tds) { var tr = win.document.createElement("TR"); for (var i = 0; i < tds.length; i++) { tr.appendChild(tds[i]); } return tr; } // Create a new TD, with an optional colspan function Td(win, opt_colspan) { var td = win.document.createElement("TD"); if (opt_colspan) { td.colSpan = opt_colspan; } return td; } // Check if an element has a given class function HasClass(el, cl) { if (el == null || el.className == null) return false; var classes = el.className.split(" "); for (var i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) { if (classes[i] == cl) { return true; } } return false; } // Add a class to element function AddClass(el, cl) { if (HasClass(el, cl)) return; el.className += " " + cl; } // Remove a class from an element function RemoveClass(el, cl) { if (el.className == null) return; var classes = el.className.split(" "); var result = []; var changed = false; for (var i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) { if (classes[i] != cl) { if (classes[i]) { result.push(classes[i]); } } else { changed = true; } } if (changed) { el.className = result.join(" "); } } // Performs an in-order traversal of the tree rooted at the given node // (excluding the root node) and returns an array of nodes that match the // given selector. The selector must implement the method: // // boolean select(node); // // This method is a generalization of the DOM method "getElementsByTagName" // function GetElementsBySelector(root, selector) { var nodes = []; for (var child = root.firstChild; child; child = child.nextSibling) { AddElementBySelector_(child, selector, nodes); } return nodes; } // Recursive helper for GetElemnetsBySelector() function AddElementBySelector_(root, selector, nodes) { // First test the parent if (selector.select(root)) { nodes.push(root); } // Then recurse through the children for (var child = root.firstChild; child; child = child.nextSibling) { AddElementBySelector_(child, selector, nodes); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Window/screen utilities // TODO: these should be renamed (e.g. GetWindowWidth to GetWindowInnerWidth // and moved to geom.js) //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Get page offset of an element function GetPageOffsetLeft(el) { var x = el.offsetLeft; if (el.offsetParent != null) x += GetPageOffsetLeft(el.offsetParent); return x; } // Get page offset of an element function GetPageOffsetTop(el) { var y = el.offsetTop; if (el.offsetParent != null) y += GetPageOffsetTop(el.offsetParent); return y; } // Get page offset of an element function GetPageOffset(el) { var x = el.offsetLeft; var y = el.offsetTop; if (el.offsetParent != null) { var pos = GetPageOffset(el.offsetParent); x += pos.x; y += pos.y; } return {x: x, y: y}; } function GetPageOffsetRight(el) { return GetPageOffsetLeft(el) + el.offsetWidth; } function GetPageOffsetBottom(el) { return GetPageOffsetTop(el) + el.offsetHeight; } // Get the y position scroll offset. function GetScrollTop(win) { // all except Explorer if ("pageYOffset" in win) { return win.pageYOffset; } // Explorer 6 Strict Mode else if ("documentElement" in win.document && "scrollTop" in win.document.documentElement) { return win.document.documentElement.scrollTop; } // other Explorers else if ("scrollTop" in win.document.body) { return win.document.body.scrollTop; } return 0; } // Get the x position scroll offset. function GetScrollLeft(win) { // all except Explorer if ("pageXOffset" in win) { return win.pageXOffset; } // Explorer 6 Strict Mode else if ("documentElement" in win.document && "scrollLeft" in win.document.documentElement) { return win.document.documentElement.scrollLeft; } // other Explorers else if ("scrollLeft" in win.document.body) { return win.document.body.scrollLeft; } return 0; } /** * Checks if window scrollbar has reached its maximum offset * * @param win a window object * @param opt_isHoriz true if horizontal bar, false if vertical */ function IsScrollAtEnd(win, opt_isHoriz) { var total = (opt_isHoriz) ? document.body.offsetWidth : document.body.offsetHeight; var inner = (opt_isHoriz) ? GetWindowWidth(win) : GetWindowHeight(win); var offset = (opt_isHoriz) ? GetScrollLeft(win) : GetScrollTop(win); return (inner + offset >= total || total < inner); } // Scroll window to pos // position: 0 = top, 0.5 = middle, 1 = bottom function ScrollTo(win, el, position) { var y = GetPageOffsetTop(el); y -= GetWindowHeight(win) * position; win.scrollTo(0, y); } // Scroll so that as far as possible the entire element is in view. var ALIGN_BOTTOM = 'b'; var ALIGN_MIDDLE = 'm'; var ALIGN_TOP = 't'; function ScrollIntoView(win, el, alignment) { var el_top = GetPageOffsetTop(el); var el_bottom = el_top + el.offsetHeight; var win_top = GetScrollTop(win); var win_height = GetWindowHeight(win); var win_bottom = win_top + win_height; // Out of view? if (el_top < win_top || el_bottom > win_bottom) { var scrollto_y; if (alignment == ALIGN_BOTTOM) { scrollto_y = el_bottom - win_height + 5; } else if (alignment == ALIGN_MIDDLE) { scrollto_y = (el_top + el_bottom) / 2 - win_height/2; } else { scrollto_y = el_top - 5; // ALIGN_TOP } Debug("Scrolling to " + scrollto_y); win.scrollTo(0, scrollto_y); } } function IsElementVisible(win, id) { var el = MaybeGetElement(win, id); if (el == null) { return false; } var el_top = GetPageOffsetTop(el); var el_bottom = el_top + el.offsetHeight; var win_top = GetScrollTop(win); var win_bottom = win_top + GetWindowHeight(win); if (el_top >= win_top && el_bottom <= win_bottom) { return true; } return false; } function GetWindowWidth(win) { // all except Explorer if ("innerWidth" in win) { return win.innerWidth; } // Explorer 6 Strict Mode else if ("documentElement" in win.document && "clientWidth" in win.document.documentElement) { return win.document.documentElement.clientWidth; } // other Explorers else if ("clientWidth" in win.document.body) { return win.document.body.clientWidth; } return 0; } function GetWindowHeight(win) { // all except Explorer if ("innerHeight" in win) { return win.innerHeight; } // Explorer 6 Strict Mode else if ("documentElement" in win.document && "clientHeight" in win.document.documentElement) { return win.document.documentElement.clientHeight; } // other Explorers else if ("clientHeight" in win.document.body) { return win.document.body.clientHeight; } return 0; } function GetAvailScreenWidth(win) { return win.screen.availWidth; } function GetAvailScreenHeight(win) { return win.screen.availHeight; } // Returns a "nice" window height. // Use the screen height. (Or should we use the height of the current window?) function GetNiceWindowHeight(win) { return Math.floor(0.8 * GetAvailScreenHeight(win)); } // Used for horizontally centering a new window of the given width in the // available screen. Set the new window's distance from the left of the screen // equal to this function's return value. // Params: width: the width of the new window // Returns: the distance from the left edge of the screen for the new window to // be horizontally centered function GetCenteringLeft(win, width) { return (win.screen.availWidth - width) >> 1; } // Used for vertically centering a new window of the given height in the // available screen. Set the new window's distance from the top of the screen // equal to this function's return value. // Params: height: the height of the new window // Returns: the distance from the top edge of the screen for the new window to // be vertically aligned. function GetCenteringTop(win, height) { return (win.screen.availHeight - height) >> 1; } /* * Opens a child popup window that has no browser toolbar/decorations. * (Copied from caribou's common.js library with small modifications.) * * @param url the URL for the new window (Note: this will be unique-ified) * @param opt_name the name of the new window * @param opt_width the width of the new window * @param opt_height the height of the new window * @param opt_center if true, the new window is centered in the available screen * @param opt_hide_scrollbars if true, the window hides the scrollbars * @param opt_noresize if true, makes window unresizable * @param opt_blocked_msg message warning that the popup has been blocked * @return a reference to the new child window */ function Popup(url, opt_name, opt_width, opt_height, opt_center, opt_hide_scrollbars, opt_noresize, opt_blocked_msg) { if (!opt_height) { opt_height = Math.floor(GetWindowHeight(window.top) * 0.8); } if (!opt_width) { opt_width = Math.min(GetAvailScreenWidth(window), opt_height); } var features = "resizable=" + (opt_noresize ? "no" : "yes") + "," + "scrollbars=" + (opt_hide_scrollbars ? "no" : "yes") + "," + "width=" + opt_width + ",height=" + opt_height; if (opt_center) { features += ",left=" + GetCenteringLeft(window, opt_width) + "," + "top=" + GetCenteringTop(window, opt_height); } return OpenWindow(window, url, opt_name, features, opt_blocked_msg); } /* * Opens a new window. Returns the new window handle. Tries to open the new * window using top.open() first. If that doesn't work, then tries win.open(). * If that still doesn't work, prints an alert. * (Copied from caribou's common.js library with small modifications.) * * @param win the parent window from which to open the new child window * @param url the URL for the new window (Note: this will be unique-ified) * @param opt_name the name of the new window * @param opt_features the properties of the new window * @param opt_blocked_msg message warning that the popup has been blocked * @return a reference to the new child window */ function OpenWindow(win, url, opt_name, opt_features, opt_blocked_msg) { var newwin = OpenWindowHelper(top, url, opt_name, opt_features); if (!newwin || newwin.closed || !newwin.focus) { newwin = OpenWindowHelper(win, url, opt_name, opt_features); } if (!newwin || newwin.closed || !newwin.focus) { if (opt_blocked_msg) alert(opt_blocked_msg); } else { // Make sure that the window has the focus newwin.focus(); } return newwin; } /* * Helper for OpenWindow(). * (Copied from caribou's common.js library with small modifications.) */ function OpenWindowHelper(win, url, name, features) { var newwin; if (features) { newwin = win.open(url, name, features); } else if (name) { newwin = win.open(url, name); } else { newwin = win.open(url); } return newwin; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // DOM walking utilities //------------------------------------------------------------------------ function MaybeEscape(str, escape) { return escape ? HtmlEscape(str) : str; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Window data //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Gets an array, which can store data for the window. This data // is deleted when the window is unloaded. var windata = []; function GetWindowData(win) { var data = windata[win.name]; if (!data) { windata[win.name] = data = []; } return data; } // Clear js data for a window. function ClearWindowData(win_name) { if (windata[win_name]) { windata[win_name] = null; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // String utilities //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Do html escaping var amp_re_ = /&/g; var lt_re_ = //g; // Convert text to HTML format. For efficiency, we just convert '&', '<', '>' // characters. // Note: Javascript >= 1.3 supports lambda expression in the replacement // argument. But it's slower on IE. // Note: we can also implement HtmlEscape by setting the value // of a textnode and then reading the 'innerHTML' value, but that // that turns out to be slower. // Params: str: String to be escaped. // Returns: The escaped string. function HtmlEscape(str) { if (!str) return ""; return str.replace(amp_re_, "&").replace(lt_re_, "<"). replace(gt_re_, ">").replace(quote_re_, """); } /** converts html entities to plain text. It covers the most common named * entities and numeric entities. * It does not cover all named entities -- it covers &{lt,gt,amp,quot,nbsp}; but * does not handle some of the more obscure ones like &{ndash,eacute};. */ function HtmlUnescape(str) { if (!str) return ""; return str. replace(/&#(\d+);/g, function (_, n) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(n, 10)); }). replace(/&#x([a-f0-9]+);/gi, function (_, n) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(n, 16)); }). replace(/&(\w+);/g, function (_, entity) { entity = entity.toLowerCase(); return entity in HtmlUnescape.unesc ? HtmlUnescape.unesc[entity] : '?'; }); } HtmlUnescape.unesc = { lt: '<', gt: '>', quot: '"', nbsp: ' ', amp: '&' }; // Replace multiple spaces with   to retain whitespace formatting // in addition to escaping '&', '<', and '>'. var dbsp_re_ = / /g; var ret_re_ = /\r/g; var nl_re_ = /\n/g; function HtmlWhitespaceEscape(str) { str = HtmlEscape(str); str = str.replace(dbsp_re_, "  "); str = str.replace(ret_re_, ""); str = str.replace(nl_re_, "
"); return str; } // Escape double quote '"' characters in addition to '&', '<', '>' so that a // string can be included in an HTML tag attribute value within double quotes. // Params: str: String to be escaped. // Returns: The escaped string. var quote_re_ = /\"/g; function QuoteEscape(str) { return HtmlEscape(str).replace(quote_re_, """); } var JS_SPECIAL_RE_ = /[\'\\\r\n\b\"<>&]/g; function JSEscOne_(s) { if (!JSEscOne_.js_escs_) { var escapes = {}; escapes['\\'] = '\\\\'; escapes['\''] = '\\047'; escapes['\n'] = '\\n'; escapes['\r'] = '\\r'; escapes['\b'] = '\\b'; escapes['\"'] = '\\042'; escapes['<'] = '\\074'; escapes['>'] = '\\076'; escapes['&'] = '\\046'; JSEscOne_.js_escs_ = escapes; } return JSEscOne_.js_escs_[s]; } /** convert a string to a javascript string literal. This function has the * property that the return value is also already html escaped, so the output * can be embedded in an html handler attribute. */ function ToJSString(s) { return "'" + s.toString().replace(JS_SPECIAL_RE_, JSEscOne_) + "'"; } // converts multiple ws chars to a single space, and strips // leading and trailing ws var spc_re_ = /\s+/g; var beg_spc_re_ = /^ /; var end_spc_re_ = / $/; function CollapseWhitespace(str) { if (!str) return ""; return str.replace(spc_re_, " ").replace(beg_spc_re_, ""). replace(end_spc_re_, ""); } var newline_re_ = /\r?\n/g; var spctab_re_ = /[ \t]+/g; var nbsp_re_ = /\xa0/g; function StripNewlines(str) { if (!str) return ""; return str.replace(newline_re_, " "); } function CanonicalizeNewlines(str) { if (!str) return ""; return str.replace(newline_re_, '\n'); } function HtmlifyNewlines(str) { if (!str) return ""; return str.replace(newline_re_, "
"); } function NormalizeSpaces(str) { if (!str) return ""; return str.replace(spctab_re_, " ").replace(nbsp_re_, " "); } // URL encodes the string. function UrlEncode(str) { return encodeURIComponent(str); } function Trim(str) { if (!str) return ""; return str.replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, ""); } function EndsWith(str, suffix) { if (!str) return !suffix; return (str.lastIndexOf(suffix) == (str.length - suffix.length)); } // Check if a string is empty function IsEmpty(str) { return CollapseWhitespace(str) == ""; } // Check if a character is a letter function IsLetterOrDigit(ch) { return ((ch >= "a" && ch <= "z") || (ch >= "A" && ch <= "Z") || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')); } // Check if a character is a space character function IsSpace(ch) { return (" \t\r\n".indexOf(ch) >= 0); } // Converts any instances of "\r" or "\r\n" style EOLs into "\n" (Line Feed), // and also trim the extra newlines and whitespaces at the end. var eol_re_ = /\r\n?/g; var trailingspc_re_ = /[\n\t ]+$/; function NormalizeText(str) { return str.replace(eol_re_, "\n").replace(trailingspc_re_, ""); } // Inserts s (word break tag) after every n non-space chars and/or // after or before certain special chars. The input string should be plain // text that has not yet been HTML-escaped. // Params: // str: The string to insert s into. // n: The maximum number of consecutive non-space characters to allow before // adding a . To turn off this rule (i.e. if you only want to add // breaks based on special characters), pass in the value -1. // chars_to_break_after: The list of special characters (concatenated into a // string) after which a should be added, if there is no natural // break at that point. To turn off this rule, pass in the empty string. // chars_to_break_before: The list of special characters (concatenated into a // string) before which a should be added, if there is no natural // break at that point. To turn off this rule, pass in the empty string. // Returns: The string str htmlescaped, and with s inserted according to // the rules specified by the other arguments. function HtmlEscapeInsertWbrs(str, n, chars_to_break_after, chars_to_break_before) { AssertNumArgs(4); var out = ''; var strpos = 0; var spc = 0; for (var i = 1; i < str.length; ++i) { var prev_char = str.charAt(i - 1); var next_char = str.charAt(i); if (IsSpace(next_char)) { spc = i; } else if (i - spc == n || chars_to_break_after.indexOf(prev_char) != -1 || chars_to_break_before.indexOf(next_char) != -1) { out += HtmlEscape(str.substring(strpos, i)) + ''; strpos = i; spc = i; } } out += HtmlEscape(str.substr(strpos)); return out; } // Converts a string to its canonicalized label form. var illegal_chars_re_ = /[ \/(){}&|\\\"\000]/g; function CanonicalizeLabel(str, lowercase) { var uppercase = str.replace(illegal_chars_re_, '-'); return lowercase ? uppercase.toLowerCase() : uppercase; } // Case-insensitive string comparator function CompareStringsIgnoreCase(s1, s2) { s1 = s1.toLowerCase(); s2 = s2.toLowerCase(); if (s1 < s2) { return -1; } else if (s1 == s2) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // TextArea utilities //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Gets the cursor pos in a text area. Returns -1 if the cursor pos cannot // be determined or if the cursor out of the textfield. function GetCursorPos(win, textfield) { try { if (IsDefined(textfield.selectionEnd)) { // Mozilla directly supports this return textfield.selectionEnd; } else if (win.document.selection && win.document.selection.createRange) { // IE doesn't export an accessor for the endpoints of a selection. // Instead, it uses the TextRange object, which has an extremely obtuse // API. Here's what seems to work: // (1) Obtain a textfield from the current selection (cursor) var tr = win.document.selection.createRange(); // Check if the current selection is in the textfield if (tr.parentElement() != textfield) { return -1; } // (2) Make a text range encompassing the textfield var tr2 = tr.duplicate(); tr2.moveToElementText(textfield); // (3) Move the end of the copy to the beginning of the selection tr2.setEndPoint("EndToStart", tr); // (4) The span of the textrange copy is equivalent to the cursor pos var cursor = tr2.text.length; // Finally, perform a sanity check to make sure the cursor is in the // textfield. IE sometimes screws this up when the window is activated if (cursor > textfield.value.length) { return -1; } return cursor; } else { Debug("Unable to get cursor position for: " + navigator.userAgent); // Just return the size of the textfield // TODO: Investigate how to get cursor pos in Safari! return textfield.value.length; } } catch (e) { DumpException(e, "Cannot get cursor pos"); } return -1; } function SetCursorPos(win, textfield, pos) { if (IsDefined(textfield.selectionEnd) && IsDefined(textfield.selectionStart)) { // Mozilla directly supports this textfield.selectionStart = pos; textfield.selectionEnd = pos; } else if (win.document.selection && textfield.createTextRange) { // IE has textranges. A textfield's textrange encompasses the // entire textfield's text by default var sel = textfield.createTextRange(); sel.collapse(true); sel.move("character", pos); sel.select(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Array utilities //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Find an item in an array, returns the key, or -1 if not found function FindInArray(array, x) { for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (array[i] == x) { return i; } } return -1; } // Inserts an item into an array, if it's not already in the array function InsertArray(array, x) { if (FindInArray(array, x) == -1) { array[array.length] = x; } } // Delete an element from an array function DeleteArrayElement(array, x) { var i = 0; while (i < array.length && array[i] != x) i++; array.splice(i, 1); } // Copies a flat array function CopyArray(array) { var copy = []; for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { copy[i] = array[i]; } return copy; } // Clone an object (recursively) function CloneObject(x) { if ((typeof x) == "object") { var y = []; for (var i in x) { y[i] = CloneObject(x[i]); } return y; } return x; } /** * Clone an event; cannot use CloneObject(event) * because it suffers from infinite recursion. * Thus, only a subset of the event properties are * cloned -- if you need others, just add them * to this function (just don't remove any!) */ function CloneEvent(ev) { var clone = {}; clone.clientX = ev.clientX; clone.clientY = ev.clientY; clone.pageX = ev.pageX; clone.pageY = ev.pageY; clone.type = ev.type; clone.srcElement = ev.srcElement; clone.target = ev.target; clone.cancelBubble = ev.cancelBubble; clone.explicitOriginalTarget = ev.explicitOriginalTarget; // add more properties here return clone; } function GetEventTarget(/*Event*/ ev) { // Event is not a type in IE; IE uses Object for events // AssertType(ev, Event, 'arg passed to GetEventTarget not an Event'); return ev.srcElement || ev.target; } /** cancels the event */ // from http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_order.html function CancelEvent(/*Event*/ ev) { if (is_ie) { ev.cancelBubble = true; } else if (ev.stopPropagation) { ev.stopPropagation(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Formatting utilities //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // A simple printf type function that takes in a template array, and a data // array. e.g. PrintArray(["a",,"b",,"c"], ["x", "y"]) => axbyc function PrintArray(array, data) { // Check that the argument count is correct. AssertEquals(array.length, data.length * 2 + 1); for (var i = 0, idx = 1; i < data.length; i++, idx += 2) { array[idx] = data[i]; } return array.join(""); } function ImageHtml(url, attributes) { return ""; } // Formats an object id that has two id numbers, eg, foo_3_7 function MakeId3(idprefix, m, n) { return idprefix + m + "_" + n; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Email address parsing //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Parse an email address of the form "name"
into [name, address] function ParseAddress(addr) { var name = ""; var address = ""; for (var i = 0; i < addr.length;) { var token = GetEmailToken(addr, i); if (token.charAt(0) == '<') { var end = token.indexOf(">"); address = token.substring(1, (end != -1) ? end : token.length); } else if (address == "") { name += token; } i += token.length; } // Check if it's a simple email address of the form "jlim@google.com" if (address == "" && name.indexOf("@") != -1) { address = name; name = ""; } name = CollapseWhitespace(name); name = StripQuotes(name, "'"); name = StripQuotes(name, "\""); address = CollapseWhitespace(address); return [name, address]; } // Given an email address, get the address part function GetAddress(address) { return ParseAddress(address)[1]; } // Get the username part of an email address function GetAddressUsername(address) { address = GetAddress(address); var at = address.indexOf("@"); return (at == -1) ? address : address.substr(0, at); } // Given an email address, get the personal part function GetPersonal(address) { return ParseAddress(address)[0]; } // Given an address, get a short name function GetPersonalElseUsername(address) { var personal = GetPersonal(address); if (personal != "") { return personal; } else { return GetAddressUsername(address); } } // Strip ' or " chars around a string function StripQuotes(str, quotechar) { var len = str.length; if (str.charAt(0) == quotechar && str.charAt(len - 1) == quotechar) { return str.substring(1, len - 1); } return str; } // Convert a string containing list of email addresses into an array // of strings function EmailsToArray(str) { var result = []; var email = ""; var token; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ) { token = GetEmailToken(str, i); if (token == ",") { AddEmailAddress(result, email); email = ""; i++; continue; } email += token; i += token.length; } // Add last if (email !="" || token == ",") { AddEmailAddress(result, email); } return result; } // Get the next token from a position in an address string var openers_ = "\"<(["; var closers_ = "\">)]"; function GetEmailToken(str, pos) { var ch = str.charAt(pos); var p = openers_.indexOf(ch); if (p == -1) return ch; var end_pos = str.indexOf(closers_.charAt(p), pos + 1); var token = (end_pos >= 0) ? str.substring(pos, end_pos + 1) : str.substr(pos); return token; } // Add an email address to the result array. function AddEmailAddress(result, email) { email = CleanEmailAddress(email); result[result.length] = email; } // Clean up email address: // - remove extra spaces // - Surround name with quotes if it contains special characters // to check if we need " quotes // Note: do not use /g in the regular expression, otherwise the // regular expression cannot be reusable. var specialchars_re_ = /[()<>@,;:\\\".\[\]]/; function CleanEmailAddress(str) { var name_address = ParseAddress(str); var name = name_address[0]; var address = name_address[1]; if (name.indexOf("\"") == -1) { // If there's no " var quote_needed = specialchars_re_.test(name); if (quote_needed) { name = "\"" + name + "\""; } } if (name == "") return address; else if (address == "") return name; else return name + " <" + address + ">"; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Misc //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Compare long hex strings function CompareID(a, b) { if (a.length != b.length) { return (a.length - b.length); } else { return (a < b) ? -1 : (a > b) ? 1 : 0; } } // Check if a value is defined function IsDefined(value) { return (typeof value) != 'undefined'; } function GetKeyCode(event) { var code; if (event.keyCode) { code = event.keyCode; } else if (event.which) { code = event.which; } return code; } // define a forid function to fetch a DOM node by id. function forid_1(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } function forid_2(id) { return document.all[id]; } /** * Fetch an HtmlElement by id. * DEPRECATED: use $ in dom.js */ var forid = document.getElementById ? forid_1 : forid_2; function log(msg) { /* a top level window is its own parent. Use != or else fails on IE with * infinite loop. */ try { if (window.parent != window && window.parent.log) { window.parent.log(window.name + '::' + msg); return; } } catch (e) { // Error: uncaught exception: Permission denied to get property Window.log } var logPane = forid('log'); if (logPane) { var logText = '

' + new Date() + '' + msg + '

'; logPane.innerHTML = logText + logPane.innerHTML; } else { window.status = msg; } } _9http://www.blogger.com/v-app/scripts/1019856700-common.js RSTOfbplist00 Y$archiverX$versionT$topX$objects_NSKeyedArchiver _WebResourceResponse )/078?HQZNS.objectsWNS.keys@ABCDEFGIJKLMNOP _Content-EncodingVServer]Last-Modified]Cache-ControlTDate^Content-LengthWExpires\Content-TypeTgzipWGFE/1.3_Thu, 12 Jun 2008 22:28:18 GMTVpublic_Mon, 23 Jun 2008 07:00:45 GMTT2066_Tue, 28 Jul 2009 07:00:45 GMT12bccd6_NSMutableDictionary\NSDictionary12fgg6_NSHTTPURLResponseInternal12ijjk6_NSHTTPURLResponse]NSURLResponse$)2DILbd!-/13rw   .5CQVemz$'CHL`lnOV // Commonly-used functions, reduced. function d(s) {return document.getElementById(s);} function dE(o,s) {return o.getElementsByTagName(s);} /** * toggleDisplay() * * Will toggle the display property of the style object for any * DOM element or object that supports style as a property. * * Warning: This'll wreak havoc if applied to elements. Those * babies got different types "table-row" | "block" dependant on * what browser's being used. * * Warning: Written in Texas. Yeehaw. * * Typical usage: * toggleDisplay(document.getElementById("foo")); */ function toggleDisplay(o) { var display = getStyle(o, "display"); if (o.style) o.style.display = (display != "none") ? "none" : getDisplayStyleByTagName(o); } function getDisplayStyleByTagName(o) { var n = o.nodeName.toLowerCase(); return ( n == "span" || n == "img" || n == "a" ) ? "inline" : "block"; } /** * hideElement() * * Hides an element from view. * * Typical usage: * hideElement(getElement("the-id-of-the-element")); */ function hideElement(o) { if (o && o.style) o.style.display = "none"; } /** * showElement() * * Shows an element that was hidden from view. * * Typical usage: * showElement(getElement("the-id-of-the-element")); */ function showElement(o) { if (o && o.style) o.style.display = getDisplayStyleByTagName(o); } /** * getElement() * * Returns an element by its ID or shows an alert if it can't be found. * * Typical usage: * getElement("the-id-of-the-element"); */ function getElement(id) { var e = d(id); if (!e) { alert("Cannot get element: " + id); } return e; } /** * setInnerHTML() * * Sets the innerHTML of an element or shows an alert if can't be set. * * Typical usage: * setInnerHTML("the-id-of-the-element"); */ function setInnerHTML(id, html) { try { getElement(id).innerHTML = html; } catch (ex) { alert("Cannot set inner HTML: " + id); } } /** * setCssStyle() * * Sets the style of an element by its id or shows an alert if can't be set. * * Typical usage: * setCssStyle("the-id-of-the-element", "display", "block"); */ function setCssStyle(id, name, value) { try { getElement(id).style[name] = value; } catch (ex) { alert("Cannot set style: " + id); } } /** * getStyle() * * Gets the computed style of any object. * * WARNING: Produces unexpected results in Safari. To achieve best * results, explicitly set the style property for that browser when the * element is rendered. * * Typical usage: * getStyle(object, "display"); */ function getStyle(el, style) { if (!document.getElementById || !el) return; if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) { return document.defaultView. getComputedStyle(el, "").getPropertyValue(style); } else if (el.currentStyle) { return el.currentStyle[style]; } else { return el.style.display; } } /** * getStyleAttribute() * * Returns the style attribute of the specified node. */ function getStyleAttribute(node) { if (Detect.IE()) { return node.getAttribute('style').value; }else { return node.getAttribute('style'); } } /* * showProps() * * Displays all the properties for a given element */ function showProps(o) { var s=""; for (var p in o) { s+=p+": "+o[p]+"\n
"; } document.write(s); } function setIFrameEvent(iframe, eventName, func) { if (document.all) { eval('getIFrameDocument(iframe).on' + eventName + ' = func;'); } else { iframe.contentWindow.addEventListener(eventName, func, true); } } function setIFrameBody(iframe, strStyle, innerHtml) { if (!innerHtml) innerHtml = ''; if (innerHtml == '' && Detect.IE()) { innerHtml = '
'; } var doc = getIFrameDocument(iframe); doc.open(); doc.write('' + innerHtml + ''); doc.close(); } function getIFrameDocument(iframe) { if (Detect.IE()) { return iframe.document; } else { return iframe.contentDocument; } } function getIFrame(strId) { if (Detect.IE()) { return document.frames[strId]; } else { return document.getElementById(strId); } } function createElementandAppend(nodeName, strId, appendTo) { var el = document.createElement(nodeName); el.setAttribute("id", strId); if (appendTo) { appendTo.appendChild(el); } else { document.body.appendChild(el); } return el; } function createElementandInsertBefore(nodeName, strId, appendTo, sibling) { var el = document.createElement(nodeName); el.setAttribute("id", strId); if (appendTo) { appendTo.insertBefore(el, sibling); } else { document.body.insertBefore(el, sibling); } return el; } /** * getXY() * * Returns the position of any element as an object. * * Typical usage: * var pos = getXY(object); * alert(pos.x + " " +pos.y); */ function getXY(el) { var x = el.offsetLeft; var y = el.offsetTop; if (el.offsetParent != null) { var pos = getXY(el.offsetParent); x += pos.x; y += pos.y; } return {x: x, y: y} } // The following 3 functions are taken from common.js function hasClass(el, cl) { if (el == null || el.className == null) return false; var classes = el.className.split(" "); for (var i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) { if (classes[i] == cl) { return true; } } return false; } // Add a class to element function addClass(el, cl) { if (hasClass(el, cl)) return; el.className += " " + cl; } // Remove a class from an element function removeClass(el, cl) { if (el.className == null) return; var classes = el.className.split(" "); var result = []; var changed = false; for (var i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) { if (classes[i] != cl) { if (classes[i]) { result.push(classes[i]); } } else { changed = true; } } if (changed) { el.className = result.join(" "); } } function toggleClass(el, cl) { if (hasClass(el, cl)) { removeClass(el, cl); } else { addClass(el, cl); } } /* Constants for node types, since IE doesn't support Node.TEXT_NODE */ var TEXT_NODE = 3; var ELEMENT_NODE = 1; _?GOZNS.objectsWNS.keys@ABCDEFHIJKLMN VServer]Last-Modified]Cache-ControlTDate^Content-LengthWExpires\Content-TypeSgws_Fri, 09 May 2008 15:04:46 GMTVpublic_Mon, 23 Jun 2008 07:00:45 GMTR52_Sun, 17 Jan 2038 19:14:07 GMT12^__`6_NSMutableDictionary\NSDictionary12bcc6_NSHTTPURLResponseInternal12effg6_NSHTTPURLResponse]NSURLResponse$)2DILbd *,.0_dmx|(0=Aahh&O4GIF89a!, ˭g ;_,http://www.blogger.com/img/navbar/1/flag.gifYimage/gif [\]YObplist00 Y$archiverX$versionT$topX$objects_NSKeyedArchiver _WebResourceResponse )/078I4#A:`T#Ak_Bx*+!-.WNS.base[NS.relative_.http://www.blogger.com/img/navbar/1/unflag.gif1234X$classesZ$classname456UNSURLV%NSURLXNSObjectYimage/gif9:;=>?GOZNS.objectsWNS.keys@ABCDEFHIJKLMN VServer]Last-Modified]Cache-ControlTDate^Content-LengthWExpires\Content-TypeSgws_Fri, 09 May 2008 15:04:46 GMTVpublic_Mon, 23 Jun 2008 07:00:47 GMTR52_Sun, 17 Jan 2038 19:14:07 GMT12^__`6_NSMutableDictionary\NSDictionary12bcc6_NSHTTPURLResponseInternal12effg6_NSHTTPURLResponse]NSURLResponse$)2DILbd *,.0afoz~*2?Ccjh(O4GIF89a!, ˭g ;_.http://www.blogger.com/img/navbar/1/unflag.gif _`a1O"bplist00 Y$archiverX$versionT$topX$objects_NSKeyedArchiver _WebResourceResponse )/078?GOZNS.objectsWNS.keys@ABCDEFHIJKLMN _Content-EncodingVServer]Last-Modified]Cache-ControlTDate^Content-Length\Content-TypeTgzipTucfe_Mon, 12 May 2008 18:35:15 GMT_max-age=604800, public_Mon, 23 Jun 2008 07:00:45 GMTT683212^__`6_NSMutableDictionary\NSDictionary12bcc6_NSHTTPURLResponseInternal12effg6_NSHTTPURLResponse]NSURLResponse$)2DILbd+-/1^clw{  .3BOTYy $h2OX(//-- Google Analytics Urchin Module //-- Copyright 2007 Google, All Rights Reserved. //-- Urchin On Demand Settings ONLY var _uacct=""; // set up the Urchin Account var _userv=1; // service mode (0=local,1=remote,2=both) //-- UTM User Settings var _ufsc=1; // set client info flag (1=on|0=off) var _udn="auto"; // (auto|none|domain) set the domain name for cookies var _uhash="on"; // (on|off) unique domain hash for cookies var _utimeout="1800"; // set the inactive session timeout in seconds var _ugifpath="/__utm.gif"; // set the web path to the __utm.gif file var _utsp="|"; // transaction field separator var _uflash=1; // set flash version detect option (1=on|0=off) var _utitle=1; // set the document title detect option (1=on|0=off) var _ulink=0; // enable linker functionality (1=on|0=off) var _uanchor=0; // enable use of anchors for campaign (1=on|0=off) var _utcp="/"; // the cookie path for tracking var _usample=100; // The sampling % of visitors to track (1-100). //-- UTM Campaign Tracking Settings var _uctm=1; // set campaign tracking module (1=on|0=off) var _ucto="15768000"; // set timeout in seconds (6 month default) var _uccn="utm_campaign"; 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