G 台灣國家地圖集 National Atlas of Taiwan
工商服務業利潤與生產總值Profit of industrial, commercial, services and total value of productivities
主要貿易國家與進出口值Main trading nations and total value of imports and exports
企業數位化、使用派遣勞工比例Digitization of enterprises, and proportion of epidotic labor
三級產業就業人口、歷年產業部門結構變化Employment of tertiary industry, and industrial sectors structure changes over years
產業結構Industrial structure
鄉鎮都市地價指數Index of land price of cities, villages, and towns
農林漁牧業產值及結構Output value and structure of farming, forestry, fishing, and livestock
農業組合、歷年產值與佔GDP比率Combination of agriculture, the output value and proportion of GDP over years
牧業組合、畜牧用地、養豬戶平均規模Combination of livestock, land used for animal husbandry, average scale of pig raising
農林漁牧業單位面積產值、家禽Output value of unit area of farming, forestry, fishing, livestock and poultry
漁業類別、產值、戶數Categories, output value, and amount of fishery
漁港、燈塔、內陸養殖業生產量Fishing ports, beacons, and amount of production of inland fishery raising
基本所得、分配比、來自縣市外所得比例Basic income, distributing ratio, and proportion of the income from outside of counties
茶葉產量與種植面積比例Production and proportion of cultivated area of tea
公寓平均房價、住宅餘絀率Average price of apartment, and inadequate rate of housing
都市地價指數、國宅興建率、貸款購屋率Index of land price of the city, building rate of the civic residence, and purchasing rate of house loan