G 台灣國家地圖集 National Atlas of Taiwan






教育概況Overview of education
新台灣之子就學概況Overview of the “son of new Taiwanese” goes to school
教育程度就職率、戶均教育與研究支出Employ rate of educated levels, and mean expenditure of educating and researching per family
補習教育概況Overview of supplementary education
2000、2004總統大選得票率Vote rate of 2000, 2004 general presidential elections
縣市長與鄉鎮市長選舉Mayor election of county, villages and towns
2008立委選舉人數與投票率Number of votes and voting rate of 2008 lawmaker election
2008立委選舉結果各政黨得票數縣市尺度Lawmaker seats gained by parties on 2008 election of county scale
2008年藍勝綠與票倉Area of prone to “Blue/Green” party in 2008 election
反貪腐討黨產公投結果、各政黨立委席次Referendum on anti-corruption and return party property of KMT, and seats of lawmaker gained by parties
大學分佈與成長、學生選讀科系比率The distribution and growth of universities, and departmental selection rate of students interests
大專生床位分配狀況、生活支出、新生錄取人數及比率Beds demand of college students, life expenditure, number and enroll rate of freshman
不識字率、國中生輟學率Rate of Illiteracy, and drop out junior students
公私立高中師生比、各級學校平均每生經費變化Ratio of teachers to students of high school, mean revenue changes for each student in all school levels
小一新生減幅、班級減幅、教師減幅Reduction rate of first grade students, number of classes, and teachers
高中職就學與比例、高中以上學校學生就學貸款統計Proportion and enrollment of high school students, and statistic of student loan above high school
原住民國中小學生中輟率、人數Rate and number of drop out aboriginal junior high and primary schools students
褓母幼兒比、國小及幼稚園收托率Ratio of infant to babysitters, and care rate of primary school and kindergarten
特殊教育概況Overview of special education