G 台灣國家地圖集 National Atlas of Taiwan
健保支出、醫療受益與決算額度Expenditure of medical care and amount of financial support
十大死因死亡率Top ten death rates
高血壓、腦血管疾病、糖尿病及心臟病罹患率Suffering rate of hypertension, brain blood vessel disease, diabetes and heart disease
肺炎、肝炎及腎病罹患率與事故傷害發生率Suffering rate of pneumonia, hepatitis, and kidney disease, and accident injury incidence
他殺及自殺發生率與死亡率Incidence and death rate of homicide and suicide
病床、救護車及醫護人員分配率Medicare beds, ambulance, and assign ratio of doctors to nurses
急性病床與特殊病床分布Distribution of beds of emergency and special care
電腦普及率與學童視力不良率Popularity of the computer and eyesight disorder of primary school students
國高中職學生視力不良率Eyesight disorder of high school students
牙病罹患率與牙醫服務量Suffering rate of tooth disease and serving amount of a dentist
不孕症罹患率與頂克族Suffering rate of infertility and people of DINKs
惡性腫瘤罹患率與死亡率Suffering rate and death rate of cancer
口腔癌罹患風險與檳榔攤分布Oral cancer risk and distribution of beetle nuts stands
肺癌罹患率、死亡率與煙草消費Suffering rate and death rate of lung cancer, and tobacco consumption
胃癌、肝癌、腸癌與鼻煙癌罹患率Suffering rate of stomach cancer, liver cancer, intestinal cancer and snuff cancer
攝護腺癌、子宮頸癌、乳癌罹患率與死亡率Suffering rate and death rate of prostate cancer, cervix cancer, and breast cancer
水痘、登革熱、肺結核及瘧疾罹患分布Distribution of chicken-pox, dengue fever, pulmonary tuberculosis and malaria diseases
性病與愛滋病罹患率Suffering rate venereal disease and AIDS
婦女生育率與人工流產率Fertility rate and induced abortion rate of woman
法定傳染病與藥物濫用Legal infectious disease and medicine abusing
精神分裂症罹患率與醫護服務Suffering rate of schizophrenia and medical care service
帕金森症老人癡呆症與癲癇症罹患率Suffering rate of old man parkinsonism, dementia and epilepsy disease
洗腎中心及病床使用率、健保給付Kidney care centre and rate of bed utilization of the disease, and get paid from medical care