G 台灣國家地圖集 National Atlas of Taiwan
快樂指數與就業率 Happiness index and employment rate
痛苦指數 Agony index
健保支出及健保受益與社會保險支出 Expenditure and benefit of medicare and expenditure of social insurance
可支配所得、儲蓄、負債與消費支出 Control on income, deposit, debt and consumption expenditure
恩格爾係數、消費支出類別與收支概況 Engel coefficient, categories of consumption expenditure and income vs. expenditure overview
都會區通勤人數與都市化人口 Number of journey to work in metropolitan and urbanization population
宗教信眾、寺廟密度與教堂密度 Religious pilgrims, density of the temple and density of church
幸福競爭力與指標 Competitiveness and indicator of happiness
郵政儲金與郵局分布 Postal savings and post office distribution
知名咖啡與速食連鎖店分布 Distribution of famous coffee shops and chain store of fast food
攤販密度、年淨收益與產業比重 Density of peddler, annual net income and proportion to industry productivity
鄉鎮市區便利超商數量 Number of convenient chain stores on townships
高等教育與所得、貧富差距與人均消費 Income of higher educated people, gap between rich and poor, and per capita consumption
戶均年水電瓦斯費 Average of annual expenditure of water, electricity and gas per family
電力使用量 Electricity consumption
自來水供水普及率、生活用水量 Popularity of water supply, and domestic water consumption