( Tectonics and drainage development )


16.1 主動的和被動的造構控制對水系的影響
   (Active and passive tectonic controls on drainage )
16.2 被動的造構控制
( Passive tectonic controls )
16.3 造構作用和水系調節
( Tectonics and drainage adjustment )
16.4 主動造構運動和河道的調節
( Active tectonics and channel adjustment )
16.5 全球性造構運動和大陸水系
( Global tectonics and continental drainage )
16.6 造山帶的水系發展
( Drainage development in orogens )
16.7 與被動(大陸)邊緣有關的水系發展

       ( Drainage development associated with passive margins )

出處:Summerfield, M. A. (1991) Chapter16.Tectonics and drainage development, Global Geomorphology An 
            introduction to the study of landforms
, Longman, 405~431. 


說明:本譯文原稿乃88(2)92級乙班修讀地形學之六位同學( 葉懿嫻、李唯甄、陳詩靖、周志鴻、蘇幸冠、文瑞芳)的作業,後經任課教師逐句重譯,但仍不免疏漏,煩請指正為感。