G 台灣國家地圖集 National Atlas of Taiwan
震央與活斷層分布Distribution of epicenters and active faults
氣候圖Climatic chart
四季衛星雲圖Seasonal satellite imagery
颱風的利與害Pros and cons of the typhoon
全台地下水位線、地層下陷區Ground water table and subside areas
土石流潛勢溪流Potential mud flow rivers and creaks
地震頻率與災害Frequency of earthquake and hazard
資源回收Waste resource recycle
年均PSI值Average annual PSI value
垃圾焚化及衛生掩埋處理量Bury handling capacity in the rubbish is incinerated and hygiene
垃圾處理量及廚餘回收量Handling capacity of waste and amount of kitchen disposal
一氧化碳、二氧化硫濃度Monthly amount of carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide
臭氧、二氧化氮濃度Monthly amount of ozone and NO2
懸浮微粒量、年均落塵量Annual amount of suspend particle and dust
落雷分佈Annual distribution of thunder lightings
危橋及砂石洗選場Unsafe bridges and sand granite pit fields